Friday, March 12, 2010

Company Girl Coffee

Welcome, come in and sit down. Would you like some coffee, tea? Strawberries? They aren't the best, but they were buy one get one free, and I couldn't resist. I'm ready for anything that tastes like spring.

Over at Home Sanctuary Rachel Anne showed us a beautiful sign she is working on, check it out, and then asked what is happening at our homes.

Today, right this very minute, I'm trying to conquer this ADD cycle I've been in the past few weeks. I've been unable to complete anything ... unless you count reading other's blogs and hanging out on Facebook. OK, maybe it isn't an ADD thing, but a time management thing.

Either way, my blog has suffered, I'm organizing our church's Ladies Tea and haven't contacted any of the ladies on my team because the whole idea of sitting down and trying to organize my thoughts have seemed overwhelming.

Last week I did share the inside of my mind, click at your own risk.

I haven't been motivated to clean the house. I haven't been motivated to complete the projects lying around. Several weeks ago I was suddenly motivated to start and finish painting our bed room, which included the ceiling, and I took everything off the walls and instructed Hubby to fix the ripped seams on the ceiling. I'm not sure where that motivation went, but the step ladder is still sitting in our room, books and pictures are sitting in our closet, and not a paint can has been opened.

All of this procrastination and lack of motivation is not helping me go into this weekend, which is a busy one. From the time school ends to way past every one's bedtime we have activities to attend. Tomorrow our one child and Hubby will be attending a glorified science fair, of sorts. I'll be holding down the fort and transporting the others to classes. The other kids and I may attend in the afternoon, if Hubby hasn't escaped from the madhouse at his first possible chance. There are a few other activities on the schedule tomorrow, but we shall see how we feel by tomorrow afternoon.

Sunday is a little slower, I'll even be in my own Sunday school for the first time in ... well, it has been awhile due to my commitment to the Primary Sunday school, snow, and holidays.

And, after I'm done typing this? I'll finish my coffee. Probably pick up a few piles lying around the kitchen; trying to spruce up the house before the weekend madness begins. Finish the laundry, iron, oh and squeeze a shower in there. Thankfully Hubby is home today, and I was able to workout this morning, that always puts me in a good mood (working out and Hubby being home.)

Leave a quick note about your weekend; and any tips you may have to combat time management ADD ... I like that name ... but don't think we will see that in the DSM any time soon.

Happy Company Girl Coffee.


Diane said...

I have to laugh at the "time management ADD", because I think it's made its way over here, too. The spirit is willing, but the flesh wants to take a nap.

My computer was out for service for four days - it made me realize how much time I spend at it at home. It's time to put a timer next to the monitor, and use it to keep track of time.

Unknown said...

Time Management ADD - I love it! I'm a recovering victim. :) My new mantra is "I can do anything for 15 minutes!" Set a timer, and quit when it rings. Even my 2 year old says "timer!" when it goes off to remind me to stop and play with him for a while before tackling the next 15 minutes. You can do it. Ready, set, GO!

Ashley Pichea [] said...

I'm totally with you this week on the Time Management (or lack thereof) ADD! I haven't seemed to be able to get anything DONE. I start a lot, but can't seem to finish!

Rachel Anne said...

I hear ya, sister. Why do you think I need small things??? I can rarely go longer than 15 min at a stretch.

Well, here's to a better week. Sometimes taking a break from the busyness is your body/soul's way of taking care of you. Maybe you just hit your limit?

Thanks for the coffee!

One More Equals Four said...

I wish I could help you out but I am TERRIBLE at time management. I firmly believe there should be at least 5 more hours in a day!

Hope you get in at least a short rest this weekend!


MrsJenB said...

Oh gosh I know what you mean about problems with time management. I start off all strong and gung-ho...but that doesn't last long. And then 'oooh, this looks like a good movie/show/whatever' sets in and before I know it I wasted my time watching TV for hours! Yikes!

I hope you manage to get your stuff done AND get some rest!

LydiaCate said...

I'm no help either! I've got it too...time management ADD. I've been opting for the naps lately. But I've got an excuse :)
Small things is the answer! Love them!

Anonymous said...

I so long for the days when we were young and we didn't have much to do on Saturday except go to the library, grocery shopping and a few chores around the house. What happened to those days? Anyhow, have a wonderful week, and hope it's not too busy.