Sunday, January 3, 2010

The New Year Tally

Hello 2010! How are you?

Well, I guess that question will be answered in time.

The past few days began much like new years past.

New Year's Day was L.A.Z.Y. We stayed in our P.J.'s most of the day. I changed into sweats about 4pm. There is something about making dinner in my P.J.'s, I just can't accept it. Also about 4pm, I realized my "tired" headache would probably disappear if I drank some water. The headache wasn't so much from staying up till midnight the night before; due to dehydration, that the only beverage I drank that day were two cups of coffee.

And, much like new years past, the stomach bug is presently roaming our house. The tally to date: 2 kids down, but not out for long. This bug roams fast, and at the moment the bug is hiding. I'm hoping the bug has left the house for good, but only time will tell.

Today our pastor challenged us to pursue the new year in the same way the Magi pursued Jesus. OK, maybe "pursued" is not a good term to describe the Magi. Seek out? Hmmm, however he worded it, it was inspiring. At least I felt as if I should be inspired, if I wasn't so busy telling a certain 6-year-old to stop talking.

So, the new year has begun with a lazy day, a car which, yesterday, received an interior cleaning, an inspiring sermon. And, several unexpected loads of laundry.

Somethings never change.

Happy New Year

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