Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Stop ... Rewind ... Try Again

During the school year I dream of our summer.

Lazy mornings, laid back days, family fun evenings.

Somewhere, between spring and summer, my dreams have been lost.

Oh, trust me, we are having a lazy summer, or about as lazy as it gets with 3 children in the house. 

However, I am running ... after I wake up, much later, than the children. 

Mornings are filled with instructions, chores, or just trying to get to the gym.

Afternoons are filled with activities, and trips to the children's museum or library.  Or, when we are home I am on the computer working on projects or cleaning.

Then there is swim practice.  I love swim practice, because I'm doing nothing but sitting and reading.

The kids are going to bed later, now that is what summer is all about to them; however, Hubby and I don't have much down time since he heads to bed soon after them.  And me, well I'm taking the summer schedule to mean I can stay up as late as I want ... not the best choice and that may explain my sluggishness in the morning.   

It didn't help that we began our summer vacation with 10 loads of laundry and a camping trip to unpack from.  Let me point out that we stayed in a cabin.  I can't imagine having to unpack tent, camping equipment, or a camper.  Then I painted EM's room. 

I should make a mental note that summer vacation is not for projects around the house. 

This week the kids are in VBS.  I have several hours of freedom, and have spent them driving wildly around town, completing as many errands as possible.  Then, it is off to the park, home to prepare for the evening, or who knows what.

I need some time management help, I think.  That, or I just need to restart my summer.  This one is going way too fast.  If I started again I would slow down the speed.  Then again, trying to slow down time is like looking for the volume button on your children. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I spend my life wishing there was a pause or rewind button... its too bad life rushes by in such a frenzy all the time.