Sunday, October 24, 2010

Reading Challenge: An Update

One month into the Fall into Reading Challenge, and I am proud to say that I am still on my first book.

And, with that you ask: "This is an update?" "Proud?" "How long does it take you to read a book?"

And, with that I answer: "Yes." "Yes." "It's 600+ pages y'all, of heavy reading, it is taking me a while."

When the challenge began, I had already started Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation by Lynn Truss.

I also confessed a lack of reading mojo.

Well, the book was not getting my reading mojo on, so I moved on to the 600+ page The Historian, by Elizabeth Kostova.

I call it my vampire book. It makes me feel hip, at admit I'm reading a vampire book. It makes me feel pseudo-intellectual to tell people it is 600+ pages longs.

As a stay-at-home-mom, it makes me feel connected with the outside world, connected with modern culture (other then Bakugans or High School Musical.) I call it a vampire book because it is about the hunt for Dracula; and everyone around me seems to have read a vampire book, namely the Twilight Series. A series I don't see myself reading any time soon.

In the past 9 years, since I began to gestate and heard small children, I have continued to read; however, the length and reading intensity has been lacking over the years.

I bought this book soon after it was published, very much wanting to read it, but never had the energy to pick it up.

These days, I can read for an afternoon, without being interrupted; and remember what I did read, between readings.

What is next, when I have finally completed this book? I'm not sure. My list was short this challenge, made up of books left languishing on my shelf. And, I am sad to say they may languish a little longer.

My book list has since grown, with several new books making their way to the top of my list. Then again, I wasn't sure I would be drawn into The Historian, but I am whole heartily enjoying it.

One month down, two months left to go. Anything can happen, including completing 600+ page books.

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