Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Update - Fall Into Reading

I'm so proud of myself. I've been reading away, even going to bed early so I can read (really, there is nothing good on TV and you can play solitaire only so many times.)

In September I joined Callapidder Days fall reading challenge, read Fall Into Reading 2008. To be perfectly honest my list was somewhat anemic, especially compared to some of the other participants. However, since kids my reading has been limited to middle-of-the-night feedings and before I went to bed (this tends to last for 5 minutes, before my eyes close for the night.) Speaking to my competitive nature, a challenge was exactly what I needed to find my reading mojo.

So, how far have I gotten? Well, thanks to a sick day (yes, a mom got a sick day. Someone note this in the annuals of history) I'm almost half way through my list. Presently, I'm reading The Good Husband of Zebra Drive, by Alexander McCall Smith, and finally I finished Beth Moore's The Patriarchs. (Yes, finally! It is a 10 week study. I started it in March and finished it mid-October.)

Now that I'm finally done with Patriarchs I've moved on to Elizabeth George's Loving God With all Your Mind. Yes, this is a departure from my original list, but I joined a book study and this is what they are reading (though out of 4 meetings I've made 1, the first meeting.) It is an easy read, so once I catch up (chapters read and verses written out on index cards) I'll hopefully begin A Woman After God's Own Heart. And if not, well there is always the spring reading challenge.

Once I'm done with The Good Husband I'll return to my Jane Austen read-a-thon. Only two more books to go, and then I can start the modern adaptations. However, those may need to wait for the spring reading challenge.

Oh, and I have a blog must-read. Katherine, over at Raising Five, posted several articles on kids and chores. Now she has five kids, ranging in age from a preschooler to two teenagers, so she knows something about chores and working with kids at different ages. I'm all over that one.

What are you reading? Did you join the fall reading challenge? If not it isn't too late to join.

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