Monday, April 21, 2008

Turn Off TV Week

If you don't have kids, or work in a school, you may not know that this week is TV Turn-Off Week. Actually, I've read some articles where groups of students are encouraged to go further and turn off their IPods, computers, cell phones, video games, ... all things electronic and media related which, come to think of it, is not a bad idea. Stop texing, call some friends (yes on the phone located in your kitchen not your back pocket,) invite them over and enjoy some face to face time, no not Facebook time, but actual interaction with another human being.

Sorry, I digress. Anyway, here in our house we are accepting the challenge of TV Turn-Off Week, at least when the kids are awake (Grey's Anatomy is all new this Thursday, give a girl a break.) Actually, the whole no TV thing is not that hard since my kids have gone days without watching TV. Of course, such a TV fast is broken with them watching several hours of it in one day, so I guess it all evens out in the end. I've also told them no computer since they will head to their favorite websites, such as Playhouse Disney or Noggin, and watch shows from there. Most likely it is my husband and I who are needing a "no TV pledge" the most, we are TV addicts. Once the kids are in bed the tube comes on and we tune out. And, even when there is nothing on our 150 channels worth watching we still watch, surfing and complaining that there is nothing good to watch. I can only hope that these bad habits do not filter down to our children. Their TV time is monitored and timed, and hopefully as they grow older and stay up later we will keep the TV off longer because let us be serious, there is nothing appropriate on TV for kids to watch. Long gone are the days of The Cosby Show, Facts of Life, Family Ties, and more great family friendly shows. Except for Mythbusters, all of us in our house "heart" Mythbusters!

Take the pledge this week and turn off your TV. If you missed it this week, then pick any day, week or month to put the TV in your house on notice.

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