Thursday, March 22, 2012

Change of Plans

Scene:  Monday, 4:30pm,

Hubby calls, asking if anything important is happening this week, like on Tuesday night or Wednesday night, maybe Thursday night?

As I'm flipping through my date book, to double check the week's schedule, he explains that he needs to travel out of town for a night, or two, or however long it takes for him to obtain the information he needs for the project he is working on.

At that announcement, my attention moves from the calendar to this week's meal plan.  Because, when Hubby is out of town, my cooking leaves with him.

In fact, one summer, when he traveled, our weekly menu looked something like this; Monday - pizza bagels, Tuesday - chicken nuggets, Wednesday - macaroni and cheese, Thursday - grilled cheese sandwiches, Friday - I don't care, your father is now home, ask him.

At the beginning of the week my week's menu looked like this:  Tuesday - pasta with sausage, Wednesday - stuffed chicken breast, Thursday - spaghetti bolognese. 

When Hubby called the menu was revised  to:  Tuesday - macaroni and cheese and chicken nuggets, Wednesday - eat out, Thursday - Costco pizza.

Hubby's trip only took him away from one night, however I think I will stick to the revised menu plan, saving the bolognese for Friday.  Finishing off the red wine the recipe calls for sounds like a good way to end the week.

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