Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fall Into Reading Recap

Another reading challenge has come and gone, and I must confess I failed miserably at this one.

Well, maybe not a complete failure; since, in order to completely fail one would have to read nothing.  I at least read; and though I did not complete my list, I never do. 

So, here is the link to my original list, at the start of this challenge. 

This was my Youth Fiction Edition, yes, my challenges usually run a theme.  And, yes, this sounds like, and was, easy reading.  Despite that fact, it seemed I found ten thousand, and one things to do instead of read.  :::cough:::Netflix:::cough::: 

So, let us see, what did I read:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, by J.K. Rowling
Hoot, by Carl Hiaasen  
Flush, by Carl Hiaasen
The Naked Anabaptist, by Stuart Murray

I've started Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, however, this has been slow going.

This week, I took a detour from my list and started The Invention of Hugo Cabret, by Brian Selznick (this I think I'll finish before Harry Potter).   My son checked it out of the library, so I picked it up after he finished reading it.

If you have not read Carl Hiaasen I recommend them, for adults who enjoy youth fiction, and for young readers.   The content is kid friendly, i.e. no language or undesirable situations, the main characters tend to me the underdog, who finds themselves speaking up to save the environment.

This challenge has taught me one thing, I need to set aside time to read.  I began a new job in September, part time hours, but after being home for 10 years, anything is an adjustment.  Needless to say, the fall has been a time of schedule juggling, as I figure out how to fit everything into my days.  During this challenge I found the only time I gave myself to read was 10 minutes, between crawling into bed and turning off the lights to go to sleep.  Not conducive to enjoying a book.

Over the fall my reading list has grown, and now that everyone is on Christmas vacation I'm hoping to give myself a lot of uninterrupted reading time. 

Katrina, thank you for another challenge.  I did learn one new thing from this challenge, to make reading more of a priority, at least more than Netflix.  :::cough:::


Jolanthe Erb said...

so the truth {about Netflix...ahem}.

Jolanthe Erb said...

Ooo...another book I forgot that I pre-read before letting Laurianna and thought JT might like it ~ Michael Vey. :)

Jen E @ mommablogsalot said...

I only read before bed also, though I do try to give myself more than 10 minutes, sometimes that's all there is - and your right - it's not enough.

Anonymous said...

I too discovered that I only find time before to read and most of the time I'm so tired that 10mins just flies by way to quickly and have now begun reading in the evening before getting into bed and also on school pickups. I too didn't finish my list but I'm counting this as a pass as it got me reading again

Amy said...

Hope you find lots of reading time during your holidays!

Merry Christmas!
Amy @ Missional Mama

Ruth said...

Thanks for the recommendation of Hugo--it sounds kind of interesting.

Carl Hiaasen doesn't sound like it would be for me. I fully understand about not having much time to read. I am blessed to have a job where I get to have a lot of down time to read.

Janie said...

Your wrap up sounds a lot like mine! I definitely agree that I need to set aside more time for reading. It makes me sad that I don't read very much anymore.

Katrina said...

Oh, that Netflix...a sneaky distraction! I agree that sometimes you need to be extra-intentional about setting aside reading time.

My son really liked Hugo and got the next book by that author (Wonderstruck) for Christmas -- I'm curious about both and would like to read them at some point.

Thanks for being part of FIR '11!