Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nature vs. Nurture

Since having children I am now fully convinced that one's personality is all about nature, nurture has absolutely nothing to do with a child's development or behavior.

One Sunday morning Hubby was telling EM to fetch her black sweater to wear to church (it actually is a zip up, fleece jacket) She already had a white, short sleeved cardigan (more like a bolero) on, over her short sleeved (what EM calls her) "princess" dress.

EM: Daddy, you don't wear TWO sweaters (and strikes a pose)

Seriously, you can't teach this.
This past Sunday JT had a youth group activity after church, which included sledding. After trying to shove a change of clothes, plus snow gear, in a backpack I pulled out his jeans.

Me: JT, these are nice jeans. You can wear them to church tomorrow. (Something we don't allow the kids to wear. Though we let them wear shorts in the summer?)

JT: (bug eyed with surprise. He is our grunge kid) Sneakers?

Me: Yes

JT: I L.O.V.E. You let me do cool things.
(and if "cool things" are defined by the occasional wearing jeans and sneakers to church, then we should be good to go through the teenage years.)
Saturday afternoon Hubby and ED ran some errands, including the grocery store. Hubby bought a few extra items (not on the original shopping list), and upon arriving home the two began to unload the car.

Hubby: ED, you carry this bag, it is light (it held 2 bags of potato chips, two of the extra items)

ED: Mommy isn't going to like this.

Again, you can't teach this stuff, they just say it. I have no idea where it comes from.


Happy Tiny Talk Tuesday. For more laughs head over to Mary's @ Not Before 7.


In Everything said...

too funny:)

Gotta love a teenager:) And I will be sooo thankful if my kids think I'm "cool" when they are teens for letting them where jeans and sneakers to church;)

Mary@notbefore7 said...

What a cool mom :) Hey - it is the little things that can make a day for someone. Good for you for letting him wear jeans and "be cool" :)

Love the funny things they say that seem to come from nowhere. So cute!