Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Welcome to Tiny Talk Tuesday. Mary at Not Before 7 hosts this meme every Tuesday, enjoying the funny things our little ones say.

Thanks to this WFMW posting, byIt Feels Like Chaos , we instituted a new behavior/punishment system. The other evening the boys were not behaving at the table and needed to move their pegs at least once. EM wanted in on the action and kept asking to move her peg. Since her peg was at the top she could only move it down and therefore loose privilages. Finally, we told her to move it down two spots and now she could not play video games or watch TV. Her response?

"DangGumIt" (accompanied with a foot stamp.)
Hubby and I couldn't stop laughing.


Another evening we were sending the kids to bed and JT said:

"I smelled the top of my feet and they smell worst then the bottoms."
Just what inquiring minds wanted to know.
Monday morning ED came bounding into our bedroom to announce he has a wobbly tooth. This is his first, a big annoucement for a 6-year-old. I tried to muster as much excitement as I could, considering it was 6:30 in the morning.

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