Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Maybe my kids were reading Mary's Tiny Talk Tuesday from last week. EM and ED had a conversation on where babies come from.

EM: Babies come in cages.
ED: No, babies come from bellies, and some get picked out.

Which started a discussion on adoption. I'm not sure where he got the idea that some babies are "picked out". We do have friends who adopted; twins and they are his age. Maybe they got to talking during Sunday school?


On aging:

ED: Daddy when I grow up you will be older. You will have wingley skin, but Mommy will still have nice smooth skin.
(remind me to give that kid a very large present. Better do it now because it sounds like I'm spending his inheritance on face lifts.)

Enjoy more Tiny Talk Tuesday over at Mary's, Not Before 7.


Mozi Esme said...

Oh - he must know where the brownies come from! Good job on brownie points!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Perfectly logical explanations. :) Cute Cute!

Happy TTT!