Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Maybe, just maybe we, as parents, are doing something right. This was the conversation Hubby and JT had Sunday afternoon while we decided between staying home and (the guys) watching the race or visiting our local children's museum.

Hubby: Do you want to watch the race or go to the museum?

JT: Hmmm, I don't know. Well, I guess the race isn't that imporatant. Let's go to the museum.

Yippee skippy! He decided to get up off the couch and go out and enjoy a family fun afternoon. We are not raising a new generation of couch potatoes.

For more Tiny Talk visit Mary over at Not Before 7


Mary@notbefore7 said...

GOOD choice. I am always for a museum over a race....but for a boy to pick it - woo hoo!

Happy TTT!

AnnG said...

Wow!! It's amazing that the race didn't win! Way to go!!