Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day

Poverty! What does that look like to you? What images appear in your head? Does poverty only exist in another country, another state, another part of your town?

Poverty exists everywhere. I'm reminded this everyday when I drop the kids off at school. I know that there are kids who don't have running water, no electricity, and the only food they may eat that day is breakfast and lunch at the school.

Depressed yet? Sorry, that is not my goal. My goal is to make you think about poverty and how we can combat it with everyday actions. First, we can cut down on our spending. Then, think locally. Combine the two and shop second-hand. And, if you are making any donations this season stop at your local school's giving tree.

With dreary economic forecasts we may all be thinking of ways to cut our bills. With Christmas soon approaching we will all receive requests for donations, and with the dreary economic forecasts we will be wanting to save. (See the cycle.)

Save money, shop locally, its not just for produce. Head to your local thrift store and see what you find. After one visit to a local thrift store I found a Lily Pulitzer dress and Ralph Lauren shirt for my daughter, all for $1.50.

"OK, wait a minute" you say. "You are encouraging us to not spend money, but when we need to to shop at thrift stores." Yes. Believe me, while I'm typing this images of this run down Goodwill thrift store in DC, just a couple blocks from my college house, are running through my head. No good stuff there. Really, this is a big step for me. I'm more of a Pottery Barn and Ann Taylor girl.

So, let us take this step together. Head to the thrift store (even a consignment store where you benefit local business' and your neighbors) and complete your Christmas shopping for the kids, the kids will never know the difference.

And with the money saved maybe you can pick up two stockings off the school's giving tree.

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