Friday, October 10, 2008

At Last It Is Friday

Come my friend, and have a sit. We all deserve a break after the depressing news greeting us every day. My alarm goes off in the morning by turning on the radio. There are days I felt as if I was in the movie Groundhog Day, same stories every morning, and I wonder why I'm having trouble getting out of bed.

The economy downfall hit our house earlier this year when I lost my SAH job of 6 years. It wasn't a series blow to our budget, but it did pinch. Like I told Hubby at the time "I just took all the fun out of our budget." This week Hubby and I sat down and talked money and wondered how we could cut down on our spending, just in case.

This week Rachel Anne, at Home Sanctuary, encouraged us to pinch our pennies this week, and share with others some of our ideas. I was ecstatic this morning when I stopped by the consignment shop to look for new pants....

...Oh, yes, I needed more pants. One beloved pair developed holes in all the wrong places. I'm not sure what I wore last fall/winter because all that was left hanging in my closet were two pairs of good jeans and two pairs of jeans with holes. Today was laundry day meaning the only item left hanging was a holey pair, one size too big, and dirty. Don't know where the dirt came from, I haven't worn them in over a year but someone was wiping their snotty nose just above the knee, aah life with kids.

Sorry, I digress. I take the kids outgrown clothes, and some of my outgrown clothes, to this store so I was crossing my fingers for a credit in order to afford these pants. (And not have to explain to my husband why I spend money on pants when we just talked about watching our spending.) Praise the Lord! I was able to purchase two new pairs of pants for myself, and a pair for EM, using my credit balance at the store. Nothing like free clothes.

When Hubby and I talked this week one topic was our food budget. Now I think we already have a pretty frugal food budget, and to keep it that way I shop several different stores and in bulk. No, I don't watch the flyers and see what is on sale. I used to do that, when I had one kid.

At the beginning of each month I plan the menu out for the whole month. I then create my shopping list of necessary items, minus perishables. I make one big shopping trip each month, the fewer trips to the grocery store the less I'm tempted to bye unnecessary items.

I then hit the stores, first the crash and dent store for snacks, bulk items, and anything on my list they may be carrying that day. Next is the grocery store for the remainder of the items on my list. Third is Costco for everyday items like milk and eggs, and needed bulk items.

After those trips I try and keep my grocery trips down to once a week, and only for eggs, milk, fruit and needed ingredients for the planned meals. Those few items alone can really add up so I try and keep it minimal.

So that is my monthly food shopping habit. I can't wait to read everyone else's money saving tips. For more head over to Home Sanctuary.


Cheryl said...

Nice to see another Company Girl blog on pinching those pennies. Hope you have a great weekend! Maybe you can wear your holey jeans. LOL

mholgate said...

Way to plan! I used to do my menus monthly, but found that I never stuck to what was on them. So now I just plan weekly, but save them in a plastic cover in a binder and then I can come back to them when I want. I have 10 weeks worth so far. : )

Thanks for coming for coffee!

Jessica said...

i plan a two week menu b/c my husband is paid every two weeks. then i check the local ads (i know, it takes time, but some weeks i save a LOT) and have wal-mart (hate the store but love their prices) pricematch.
i love all the mom blogs that let you know when walgreens has a great sale and what coupons match up with what stores and where to get them. and are two of my favorite.

Anonymous said...

We plan a menu too... it's the only way I can afford to feed my growing kids :-)

God bless,

Forgetfulone said...

I'm lucky to get a one week menu plan that my husband will agree to. He says, "I might not be hungry for that on that day." You're very organized.