Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Our Favorite Books

Life is plugging along here in the Valley. School is in full swing, Wednesday night church activities began tonight, and so the craziness continues. I have lots of blogging topics running through my head, but I've been too busy trying to cross some items off my To Do List (see the right side bar.)

So, here is a list of our family's favorite children's books. These are favorites I will keep for always. Our children will be having children of their own and out will come these books, most likely having seen better days. Most of these books are for the preschooler/toddler set, only because we just ventured into the arena of chapter books and they have yet to stand the test of time (the interest of three children, plus their parents.)
So, without further ado:

1. Anything Sandra Boynton (Her books leave everyone in stitches)
2. If you Give a Mouse a Cookie, and others in the series (Thank you Laura Numeroff and Felicia Bond)
3. Sheep in a Shop, and others in the series, by Nancy E. Shaw
4. Olivia (you have to love a pig with moxie)
5. Mr. Men and Little Miss Series (Talk about the test of time, I grew up on this series.)
6. Anything Eric Carle (Love the art work)
7. Daisy Hill Farm Series (Published by Grandreams)

This list is far from complete. We LOVE books in our house. Our book shelves are filled to the book ends with, you guessed it, books. Franklin, Bob the Builder, Thomas the Train, Angelina, Dora, Diego, Backyardigans, Berenstain Bears, Winnie the Pooh, Beatrix Potter, Charlie and Lola, .... And that doesn't count the ones stuffed into the kid's nightstands or under their beds.

What are your family's favorite books, and will you provide a little storage space for them? Share by leaving a comment.

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