Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Lazy Morning

This morning was one of those "you know your a bad parent when ..." moments. No, not seriously, bad, more like lazy moments. First I laid in bed till almost 8am while the kids watched TV. Second, I then let them watch TV till they got bored with it and asked for breakfast.

Isn't this what summers are for, all morning TV watching? Yes I know, these days we hear how kids are addicted to TV and kids don't play outside like they use to, the rising obesity rates, blah, blah, blah. And yes, summers are when kids should be outside, running wild, riding bikes, playing with friends, and going on great expeditions throughout the neighborhood. But, and I think I have every harried parent's agreement hear, every now and then an all morning veg-a-thon is called for. Oh, and to be perfectly honest, I spent my fair share of "nothing but TV all day" days as a kid.

So here was the morning. After showering I decided to leave the kids in front of the TV. For once nothing was on our schedule today. We had no where to go and no great project to complete. I grabbed the newspaper, made some coffee, and organized my breakfast. I was able to sit at the table in peace, eat my breakfast in peace, read the newspaper without anyone asking me "what is that picture all about" or "Mom, look the car is upside down." I checked emails, and wondered how long the kids would watch TV before asking for breakfast.

And, finally someone did. It wasn't that late, maybe 9:30am. JT was wondering when breakfast would be ready (Ready? Breakfast is out of a box in our house), because they have been watching TV for a long time. You should have heard the tone in his voice, as if TV watching had become a chore, something they only do when they HAVE to wait for breakfast.

Really a Mom can't win. When I cut short their TV time they complain and when I let them watch to their heart's content they complain. That is OK, because we won't have many more mornings like this one. Maybe not until the first snow day; or the third snow day in a row, when the snow has melted but because we live in the south they must cancel school for a week.

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