Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Fun Saturday

This morning the kids were thrilled when they learned it was Clean Their Rooms Saturday. Not only were they (we) cleaning and organized, but also sweeping, dusting and cleaning the bathroom.

One child is a hoarder collector, (rocks, candy wrappers, scraps of paper) one child takes the Lego's to bed, and one child tries to move half the toy room to their room. Needless to say, so we don't violate several fire codes, keeping their rooms tidy is important. And, by working with them now I hope living in a fantasy world that working with them now will mean cleaner rooms in the future.

I've always been haphazard in giving the kids chores around the house. Most of the time it is just easier for me to clean the table, sweep the floor, and clean out their rooms (mainly so I can clean out all the junk without cries of "I want that".) But, I really want the kids to learn responsibility in their belongings and how to clean (and to appreciate the work that goes into cleaning.)

What chores have you given your children?


Anonymous said...

Oh Ms Erin! You crack me up! Chores...well, with a 15 year old, 7 year old and almost 5 year old (all boys!), the chores are plentiful around here! Oh and throw in my husband and that's me (the coffee sign girl, LOL) living with 4 males!

Does THAT ALONE tell you anything?

The teenager is responsible for the garbage and lawn - not that it's always done but he tries.

The little ones have a (magnetic) chart that we change every week. That includes feeding the dog, setting the table, help with indoor or outdoor chores (vacuum, dust, etc) and more. The chart is worth $2.50 each week, per kid. BUT, they must recieve a button for each day. The days they miss a button then money is deducted from their allowance. On average they both earn about $2 a week.

Now for the rest of the chores, like Erin, I pretty much do everything and the rest of them watch.

Anonymous said...

Hey Erin,
1st -- Love the blog.
2nd -- we were just talking the other day of starting chores with ours. J. is a little young yet but we have him help where he can. M. is going to be responsible for making her bed and setting the table as a start.
I'd like to make a chart when I have time (what time?????).
Talk to you soon!