Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Weekend

Oh, how I look forward to the weekends; schedules have lessened, my husband is home, and usually a time to relax. Usually, like before kids. Regardless of the day, or number of adults, the kids still live in the house. Little ones need entertaining and feed, messes are made, and I hate to admit it but when my husband is home the house dirties quicker. Add all that to the fact that over the weekend I'm less inclined to clean. Hey, my husband has two days off, why not me as well?

So another weekend has come and gone. Saturday was lazy, but the kitchen was left in a mess as we dashed out to friends for the evening. It was cleaned by bedtime, but then Sunday came around. Out we dash to church, breakfast dishes overflowing the sink because the dishwasher held clean dishes. We returned mid-afternoon to the same dishes and the scattered messes around the house.

By dinner time, prepared by my wonderful husband, I was ready to tackle the messes. A 5 minute (more like 10 minute) quick pick-up took care of the clutter in the living room. The dishwasher was emptied, and quickly filled with dirty dishes. My house is now clean enough to start the week. Yes, I confess I'm somewhat of a neat freak. And, I find my Monday's start off much better when I'm not wading through piles of toys and dirty dishes. What better way to start off a new week then with a clutter-free home.

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