Wednesday, July 16, 2008

How Does That Song Go?


Yeah, neither can I. In fact, I'm not sure if there are five differences.

One of my favorite blogs is called Home Sanctuary. Each day Rachel Anne encourages us to create our own sanctuary through simple challenges. The challenges range from cleaning to pampering ourselves.

Today's task was titled Contain Yourself and encouraged us to organize our Tupperware cupboard, and for extra points post before and after pictures of the cupboard on our blogs. (Oh, here is the real motivator to Home Sanctuary, she assigns points to each challenge and at the end of the month the one with the most points receive a prize. This month it is some really cute wrapping paper.)

Well, above you see my before and after pictures. No, my cupboard is not always that organized, it received a reorganization a couple months ago. Surprisingly, it has stayed that way, though some freezer containers did need to be moved to the back of the cupboard and that as my main goal today.

So, that is what I did today. I'm still waiting for my husband to lean over and ask "WHY are you posting pictures of our cupboard on your blog?"

1 comment:

Rachel Anne said...

Oh yeah, baby! I call that "Container Sanctuary!" I wish I'd taken pictures of mine. My "before" was embarrassing! I set the timer for 15 minutes and had time left to spare....and it looks so clean! I feel like I can conquer the world.