Friday, August 19, 2011

For What it is Worth

Over the years, vacation after vacation, I've learned.  I've learned to be prepared.  Complete the shopping ahead of time.  Do not accept, or try to accomplish, any extra projects right before vacation.

Basically, plan and keep it simple.

Which, I am proud to say I almost achieved this year, almost.

1.  There is always some extra project that needs to be completed before leaving for vacation.  Kids need to be registered for school.  Responsibilities at church need to be fulfilled.  Always something.

2.  I forgot my motivation.

I'm a procrastinator by heart.  Stress is what drives me, and keeps me up at night. 

I'm low on the stress, which means I'm low on the motivation.  Ironically, I'm also low on sleep, thanks to Mad Men now streaming on Netflix.

Good golly that was a happening office.  

But that is neither here nor there.

So, let me sum up, tasks, errands, and to-do lists have been completed in plenty of time to create a low level of stress.

However, that level of stress is so low I cannot find the motivation to complete what is needed to be completed.

Oh, and I shouldn't pat my self on the back over my uber-organizing skills.  I still managed to schedule, the day before we leave on vacation, a doctor's appointment (1 hour away) for one child, and a job interview for myself.  

Somehow I think it will all get done, and we will still enjoy vacation.  Plus, if I forget anything, we are near stores. 

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