Friday, October 2, 2009

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

I'm not looking outside, though last I glanced out the window the water hose was stretched out and EM looked a little wet. I heard the faucet being turned on, about that time I continued with my cleaning. I don't want to know.

What is it with kids and water? Granted it is a warmish day. However, it is October. A strong breeze is blowing, and it is only warmish. I should say something, but you know what they say about sleeping dogs? Well, with happy, playing children it is the same concept.

We will, eventually, be leaving the house for dinner. Right now I'm cleaning like a mad woman, because my Mom is visiting us for the weekend. Why do I clean like a mad woman when my Mom visits? She used to clean like a mad woman when her mother came to visit, why should I not continue the family tradition?

Well, I do have a reason for cleaning like a mad woman, no one could reach the guest bedroom. The beginning of this week I made one more attempt to clean/organize our basement. This time I managed to make the office look presentable, and able to walk around. I accomplished this by moving everything into the extra room we have in the basement.

The extra room in the basement which has no real name. It is the room the kids play in, children of guests sleep in, I use to scrapbook, stores everything I'm too lazy to put away, and Hubby's future man cave (as soon as his wife becomes employed and he can afford his jumbo, big #&$^% TV and manly big $*@&% TV watching chairs.

Anywho, I moved everything into the extra room, which leads to the guest room, and no one could enter the guest room because boxes and baskets were set in front of the door. Plus, I desperately needed to sweep the kitchen floor. It hasn't been swept for several days, and since we won't be eating in the kitchen until tomorrow evening it seemed fitting to clean it now.

Well, now it is time to call in the kids. They need dry clothes, oh my do they need dry clothes. EM just walked in and said "I'm cold." She is wet! And cold. Apparently our warmish day is making way for a cool evening.

They are happy with their play for the afternoon. Sometimes it is better to ignore them and let them play, wet or not.

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