Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Potty Training

There is only one good thing about potty training. Actually, there are a lot of good things about potty training but most of the positives come AFTER the training has taken effect, and my children believe that patience is a virtue. So, the only good thing about going through the act of potty training is now I have a stash of jelly beans in the house.

Here is the scene, "YEH, you went pee pee in the potty, have a jelly bean." Then child has one and mom has 2, or maybe 4, or maybe .... well, it depends on the day. Here is a second scenario (the one you may find in our house.) "You pee'd your paints again! Go clean yourself, and this time put the underware IN your hamper." As the child waddles back to their room you head to the kitchen for cleaning materials, and some M&M's (like a whole handfull or maybe 1/2 the bag. Not that I know, just giving an example.)

1 comment:

bathmate said...

So nice your posting.
Everything looks good in your posting.
That will be necessary for all. Thanks for your posting.