Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Week's Recap

A new week has arrived and as I look back on the past week I wonder why the last posting was Tuesday. It is not that nothing has happened in our house, it's just that I can't sit down long enough to gather my thoughts (and to my son's teachers ... yes his inability to focus is genetic.) Throughout the days I would think "yes, write about that", but then by the time I sat down in the evening I would be too tired to write. There is the other issue of finding relevance in my writing. Not to just write for the sake of hearing me "talk", but finding some enlightenment in our daily lives that you can take with you when you leave this site.

So, now I will mention a few events (at least what I can remember) that happened this week (and mostly hold no relevance to life.) First, everyone should head over to ELF Cosmetics (yes, go now) and shop for some great deals. All their makeup is $1, and going fast. WAIT, first you must visit Deal Taker for the 50% off coupon code. Who spent their week impatiently waiting for the season finale of Grey's Anatomy? Yes, I was one of you! And all the funny comments made by my children this week, ...umm...forgotten.

Now for the relevance and enlightened part of my week. Thursday evening I was reminded of the huge heart possessed by my oldest and my lack of patience as a parent. It was just after 8pm and all the kiddies were in bed, the kitchen was clean, there was no laundry to fold, and I was in the basement killing some time before the aforementioned Grey's Anatomy. I hear my oldest calling for me, saying he needed help with a 3-ring binder. I told him to bring it downstairs and then proceeded to wait for him. He called out again, this time I impatiently told him to move it if he wanted me to help him. Downstairs he came, offering me chocolate from a prize he earned the previous day. Ugh, here I am griping at him for not moving fast enough, and the reason he was not moving fast enough was so he could get down his chocolate and share it with me. So, let us remember to take our time with our children, co-workers, family, or the stranger in front of us in the cashier line. You never know, they may be moving slow so they can share some of their chocolate.

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