Thursday, October 16, 2008

Oh The Dilemma

This morning I'm sitting in the waiting room at the dentist (two fillings, lucky me) and reading a magazine. (And disappointed I was subjecting to reading Time, and not something more enlightening like People. The Dr.'s waiting room is the time and place where I get my pop culture/trash news fill. If I want to read Time I would stay home thank you very much. Oh, and what is with all the guy magazines at the OB/GYN's? All I can find are Field & Stream, Sports Illustrated, ... I'm sorry, did I walk into the wrong office?)

Sorry, I digressed ... again. Anyway, so I'm flipping reading the magazine ,and enlightening my poor atrophied SAH/soccer mom brain, and it suddenly hit me, "where do I place the magazine when they call me in?" Seriously, this became a dilemma. The rack I pulled it from was on the other side of the room from where I would walk out with the dental hygienist. If I returned it to the rack that would be making her wait. And we all know when someone is waiting for us it becomes, for whatever twisted Murphy's Law reason, twice as hard to complete a simple task.

Or, do I clutter and just place it on the chair next to me. This option would go against one of the major laws of life we all learned in Kindergarten, "return the toys to where you got them."

Then the moment of truth finally came... and ... I opted for the chair toss option. As I walked out of the room I noticed my dental hygienist giving a nasty look at the chair where the magazine landed.

Have no fear, on my way out of the office I picked it up and returned it to its proper place. And yes, I did have problems sliding it back into the rack.


Angela Fehr said...

My dilemma always comes when I am putting my shoes on - where do I point my butt? At the patients waiting? At the door for the first impression of incoming patients?

Though my chiropractor's receptionist has encouraged me to take an issue of Canadian Family or Chatelaine home (why do I want them? I read the opinion pieces and get enraged), I always feel criminal taking it out, like I should announce to the others waiting, "She told me I could take this."

Erin said...

LOL! Yes, I would do the same thing ... announce to the whole room, who are all paying attention to their own magazines "no really she told me I could take it home."