Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Peer Pressure

Another edition of Tiny Talk Tuesday brings us to that interesting world called peer pressure, and how it entered our house this past week.

EM doesn't like doing anything with her hair (pony-tails, pig-tails, clips, ...) but I keep asking her, maybe one of these days she will say yes.

Sometimes I try a different tactic, peer pressure. Bad Mom, I know! Here was our discussion while dressing for dance class:

Me: EM, can I do something with your hair?
EM: No Mommy?
Me: Really? The other little girls will have their hair up.
To Myself: I did not just say that! What Pandora's box am I opening?
EM: No.
To Myself: She said no, good.

Later, as we were walking down the stairs

EM: Mommy, I want to wear these slippers? (showing me dress-up slippers, not ballet slippers)
Me: No EM, they are not made for dancing. They are not safe and may tear.
EM: But Mommy, all the other girls have slippers.
Me: :::sigh:::
JT & ED buy lunch certain days during the school week. If the menu is something ED may not like then he packs. With the price of food I'm not paying for a lunch he may not eat.

Me: ED, tomorrow's lunch is salisbury steak and green beans. Do you want to pack?
ED: No Mommy. T (in his class) buys that day and I want to buy with him.
Me: Will you eat the lunch?
ED: Of course Mommy. T buys that day, so I will buy when he buys.
Me: :::sigh:::


Colored With Memories said...

wow, it's amazing how young all of that stuff starts. i don't think any of it has to do w/your comments...they come by it naturally!

Mary@notbefore7 said...

Oh I have found myself using that reverse "positive" peer pressure, only to sigh at the times they do...

Happy TTT!